Profile dots

#open uses hashtags to allow players to communicate their preferences and desires as well as search for others that share their interests.

If another player has a Preferences list that shares one or more hashtags in common with one of your preferences lists, a small purple dot will be displayed in the lower right corner of their profile card while browsing, and the shared tag will be highlighted in purple when viewing that list in their profile.

The hashtag list at the bottom of the Boundaries page works in the same way as the preferences list. Hashtags on this list will be highlighted differently than those on the preferences list. If a player has a tag on their Boundaries list that matches a tag one of your Preferences lists (or vice versa), their profile image will display a dot outlined in red and the tag will be highlighted in red when viewing that list in their profile.


Note: By default, a profile’s Boundaries list is hidden; correspondences and differences are not indicated if one of the lists involved is hidden.