How do I request a refund?

Supporting Memberships are handled by the App Store and Google Play Store. The #open Support Team has extremely limited access to your subscription or billing information. Please see below for more information on requesting a refund from the App or Google Play store.

Typically, no refunds are issued for partially used subscriptions, accidental subscriptions, unused subscriptions or general dissatisfaction with the app. However, if you feel strongly that you deserve a refund, there are a few things you can do:


  1. Log into your iTunes account (on a computer)

  2. Locate the iTunes Store.

  3. Navigate to the store section and select 'Account' from the menu.

  4. Sign in with your Apple ID login.

  5. Scroll to ‘Purchase History’, click ‘See All’.

  6. Find your #open transaction then tap ‘More’.

  7. Click on ‘Report a Problem’.

  8. A new page appears where you can select the reason for the refund request from the drop-down menu.

  9. Explain the reason you are requesting a refund.

  10. Click 'Submit' to have Apple review your refund request. They will let you know their decision.

Note: All refunds are issued directly from the App Store, #open Support does not have the access or ability to directly refund you. 



Google Play may be able to offer you a refund if it's been less than 48 hours since the original charge.

  1. Go to (on a computer).

  2. Click 'Order history'.

  3. Find the desired order that you wish to return.

  4. Select 'Request a refund' or 'Report a problem' to choose the option that describes your request.

  5. Complete the form and note that you're requesting a refund.

  6. Google Play will respond with their decision, generally within four working days.

If you’re unsatisfied with your Supporting Membership subscription, please let us know how we can do better. Our Support team can be reached at for feedback, questions or technical support.